
Maker Faire Miami is expected to draw over 8,000 people to see a wide variety of maker exhibits, workshops, and engage in other cool presentations.

The logistics required for this event are challenging, therefore we are seeking passionate volunteers who embrace the spirit of Maker Faire and the creativity and resourcefulness that it represents.

We need your help in identifying local hobbyists, artists, and commercial makers to exhibit at Maker Faire Miami, as well as spreading the word about this awesome event. Here are the various ways you can help us spread the word and ensure that Maker Faire Miami is a total success!

Complete our Volunteer Form:

If you’re interested in Volunteering, use this link  to complete our form and we will contact you regarding your role at this year’s Faire.

Help Promote Maker Faire Miami:

  • Maker Identification: Helping the producers identify Makers is very important. If you know someone who is working on a cool DIY project, please encourage them to show and tell their creations by filling out our Call for Makers application. If they have any questions about exhibition space, or whether their project is a good fit for the Maker Faire Miami, they can contact us directly email  Mario Cruz.

  • Social Media: Follow us Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and share our pages with your friends. Generating awareness about who our local makers are and what they do in our community helps acknowledge their awesome work and increases the general interest in the Maker Movement.

  • Guest blogging: We are definitely interested in your guest posts on the Maker Faire Miami site. Please submit your blog post ideas and content to Mario Cruz.

  • Driving Traffic: Please use it to help drive traffic to our site. We have prepared a button you can add to your blog or website to promote the event. To add the button to your site, please email us at Mario Cruz.

  • Attend Meetups: Tell your peers at meetups about the Maker Faire Miami. Let them know they can make it awesome by attending, exhibiting and volunteering.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at Mario Cruz with your concerns.