Elijah Horland is a self-taught maker, programmer, and circuit wiz who has been building electronic things since a young age. As a co-host on Discovery Channel’s  MythBusters Jr., he helps test and bust myths using the scientific method alongside Adam Savage and other young makers and scientists.

Elijah’s maker journey started at age five when he won engineering kits at the arcades. He moved on to building computers for himself and others when he was eight. After attending a tech summer program in 2015 at age 10, he started building soldering kits and soon moved on to 3D printing and self-designed electronic builds.

In 2016, Elijah attended the World Maker Faire, his first time attending a Maker Faire event. There, he met with makers and received encouragement and sound advice, which made him feel like he’d finally found his tribe in the maker community. Since then, he has continued to innovate and create, developing game systems and controllers. His Altoids-box game system is a prime example of his technical skill and witty creativity.

Elijah’s projects often revolve around microcontrollers. He started as a dedicated Raspberry Pi user but has since branched out to Arduino. When he realized that there were limited STEM classes and experiences at his middle school, he sought out those opportunities by attending Maker Faires, which he describes as the best programs he’s seen. In fact, when the NYC Maker Faire closed down, he started a new one: https://www.coneyislandmakerfaire.org/ to continue pursuing his passion for making.

For aspiring makers just getting started, Elijah’s words of advice are: “Stubbornness is a virtue!” Persistence and perseverance are essential traits for any maker, as finishing a project can often be challenging but ultimately rewarding.

At the Miami Maker Faire, Elijah will be a featured speaker, sharing his insights and experiences with the audience. As a talented and inspiring young maker, he has a lot of valuable knowledge to offer, and his passion for making and innovation will inspire others to pursue their interests in STEM and creativity.

Don’t miss the opportunity to meet Mythbuster Elijah Horland at the Miami Maker Faire on April 15-16.