Life is about the people you meet and the things you create.

Here I sit on my patio, still reeling and reminiscing about the previous 48 hours. I am absolutely stunned at the amount of energy, passion and creativity that our community has and I’m betting that over 3,500 people who joined us yesterday know exactly what I’m talking about! We were honored to host over 110 makers who brought such fantastical and whimsical fare to our second annual Miami Mini Maker Faire, that I didn’t stop hearing wonderful comments.

The Miami Mini Maker Faire production and volunteer teams couldn’t be happier with how well Miami received us for our second year. When guests ask us when this is happening again, we are happy and sad at your groans for waiting another year. Rest assured that we will be back and we will continue to get better at gathering the creative spirit of our community. There are far too many of you who get a kick out of the curiosities that our makers bring to the Faire to stop doing this any time soon!

We want to take a moment to express our deepest gratitude to our sponsors and supporters who help make this production possible. Your help is making Miami’s maker community thrive!

The folks at MAKE who trail blaze paths across the world.
Our lead sponsor and community catalyst, The Knight Foundation.
MIAMade, The Miami Maker community anchor and lead producer of the Faire.
Our gracious principal host, The LAB Miami.
Huge thanks to the folks from Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science.
Also, much appreciation and thanks to Roblox, Brightbox, FIU Information and Computing Sciences, eMerge Americas, South Florida Hack and Tell, 1Click3DPrint, Wyncode, O Cinema, The Lightbox, and Jaycon Systems.

Instead of looking back at this year’s Faire, we’ll leave you with thoughts, comments and exclamations from others who think fondly of us. And we’ll dig into getting ready for next year.

Until then! Keep making awesome in Miami!


Mike Greenberg, South Florida Hack and Tell on behalf of the 2014 Miami Mini Maker Faire Production Team:

Ric Herrero, MIA Made
James Herring, Patricia and Phillip Frost Museum of Science
Danny Lafuente, The LAB Miami
Steve Luis, FIU Computing and Information Sciences
Vivian Martell, O Cinema
Jessica Mejia, Americorps VISTA
Jennifer Mendez Alba, Americorps VISTA