Check out this awesome write-up on the Makezine blog about our upcoming Miami Mini Maker Faire.

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Next weekend, November 8th, Come to The Lab Miami for the 2nd annualMiami Mini Maker Faire! This fair has grown so much since last year. With over 90 exhibitors coming to show off, we’ve had to close off NW 26th Street between 3rd and 5th Avenues! Come out to meet local makers and see their robotics, DIY science and technology, hardware hacking, 3D printing, art and crafts, urban farming and sustainability, educational workshops, and much more.








Here are just a few of the cool things you can expect to see when you attend.


fist of bulbs lit by tesla coil 1024x553 The Miami Mini Maker Faire Is Next Weekend!

Our Tesla coils are a great inexpensive way to start your journey with Nikola Tesla wireless energy technology. Low input DC voltages and a low component count make it simple for anyone with a background in electronics to construct a Tesla coil.

Genuine Aura’s Sweet Dreams

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A 10-22″ hula hoop wrapped with a puffed yarn. A vintage doiley or nylon spun creates the center web; including glass and acrylic beads. Embellishments are about 6-12″ long and include knotted yarn, hemp, twine, rope, ribbon, trimmings, lace, velvet, etc.
an·gel·i·ca / anˈjelikə/ – Also referred to as Angie
She is an extremely ambitious, dedicated and classy lady. A recent graduate from AIMIU with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Fashion Merchandising. Her truest passion lives throughout the arts from our History.

Andrew Gatt
Paper Roller Coasters

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Build marble runs using only paper and tape. Andrew’s Paper Roller Coaster templates have been used in schools in all 50 states and over 25 countries. It’s a great hobby for anyone that likes origami or engineering.
Andrew Gatt has taught science for 15 years. He was awarded the 2004 Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching, the nation’ highest honor for math or science teachers. Daniel Gatt is a sixth grader in Hillsborough, NC.

Victor Vincent
Experience Project


Our project will create exciting experiences that combine art & technology.
Mr. Vincent has over three decades discovering, developing and delivering compelling demonstrations & exhibitions at museums. He started at age 13, after being kicked out of the Buffalo Museum of Science, by becoming a museum volunteer.

Roldan Robots: Robot sculptures made from junk

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Jorge Roldans sculptures can be found online at or in the Village of Merrick Park in Artrageous Art Gallery. No two “Robot Sculptures” are ever the same. All sculptures are complety made up of found objects, broken antiques, and junk in general.

e-NABLE 3D Printed Prosthetics
peregrineblog The Miami Mini Maker Faire Is Next Weekend!

The “3d Mechanical Hand – Maker Movement” was inspired by two strangers that came together to help a small child in South Africa, and has grown to more than 2,500 people making and giving away 3D printed prosthetics.
Laird Popkin has been an active South Florida Maker for years, and has been involved in e-NABLE, working on the Hand-o-matic, which makes personalized 3D printable prosthetics.

This is just a tiny taste of what there is, you’ll have to come to the Maker Faire to see the rest! To purchase tickets, please visit, and follow Miami Mini Maker Faire on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter. For inquiries, please email us at


Community Editor for Make:
I get ridiculously excited seeing people make things. I just want to revel in the creativity of the masses! My favorite thing in the world is sharing the hard work of a maker.

I’d always love to hear about what you’re making, so send me an email any time at